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Monday, 24 January 2011

Predictions of Imam's and Haifa's Death !

Haifa Wehbe and Adel Imam
With every start of a new year, predictions of what may happen in the coming 12 months starts flooding the internet.
Some predict natural disasters, while others foretell of political unrest and so on ... but there's also room for expectations for the stars ... TV stars that is!
One of those predictors, Abdul Aziz El Khattabi, a well known Moroccan foreseer, has calculated that there's real bad news this year for both Adel Imam, Haifa Wehbe and Kathem Al Saher; maybe death!?
Other predictions include assassinations of world leaders like Obama, Sarkozy and a high ranking Iraqi official.
Natural disasters like earthquakes and floods ... (you don't need a foreseer to predict that!)
An increase in poverty ... (doesn't need calculations to see that poverty is getting no where but worse!)
Do you think all those predictors are just fakes?
Are their predictions just mere guesses that may actually become reality only by chance?
I don't believe those guesses and think that some things are just easy to see and other things are just bound to happen.
What do you think?

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