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Monday, 28 December 2009

Record Outgoing Phone Calls Using Recorder Apps

Developed by Retronyms, similar to Voice Memo App from iPhone OS 3.0, Recorder turns your iPhone as an recorder and lets you record everything from memo, discussions, interviews, and ideas on your iPhone. The interface is intuitive. To start your recording, simple click the big single “Record” button. A normal recording takes up around 940 KB per minute. With a 16GB iPhone, you will be able to hold a little more than 290 hours of recordings.

The app allows you to trim your recording and email it to your friends right away. It also comes with a Wifi sync feature to let you transfer the recording back to your computer wirelessly.

Best of all, the latest version of Recorder app (i.e. Recorder) adds the recording feature for outgoing phone call, which is the most requested feature as mentioned by the co-founder of Retronyms. To bring this feature to iPhone, Retronyms works with a phone company to provide the recording service and that limits the call recording service available in U.S. only and requires per-minute charges. Despite that, the call recording feature is still a great feature for iPhone users.

Note: For most countries, it’s illegal to record the phone calls without informing the other party. So, make sure you let the other party know that the call is being recorded.

The Recorder app is now available at App Store for US$0.99. You can click this direct iTunes link to purchase it.


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