Category: Games
Version: 1.2
Cracked Format: .IPA
* Voted “Best iPhone Game” at Apple’s WWDC ‘08
* 2008 Austin GDC Independent Games Festival Showcase Winner!
Its available at AppStore with price $9.99 and size about 3.3MB. Enigmo is a 3D puzzle game where you direct animated streams of flowing liquid so that the droplets get to their destination. Water, Oil, and Lava fall from Droppers and bounce around the walls of the puzzle. You move and rotate various types of bumpers, sliders, accelerators, and sponges in order to divert the flow of the falling droplets. The faster you complete each of the 50 levels, the more bonus points you receive. For thios new version it requires iPhone/iPodTouch 2.1 software update.
The physics in Enigmo are truly amazing to watch! This is one of the most unique puzzle games ever created.
In addition to the 50 levels that come with the game, you can also download many more levels for free! As of version 1.1, you can download levels created by other users or by yourself with the Mac or PC version of Enigmo which has a built-in level editor. You may submit your levels to us and we’ll include them in the public list if we like them enough.
New in this Version
- Changed the Pause from a double-tap on the screen to a new Paused icon in the upper-right corner
- Small performance improvement.
- Saves games to the Documents folder instead of the game’s Preferences. This should prevent iTunes from randomly erasing customers’ saved games during an update. An iTunes bug would cause an app’s prefs to get zapped about 50% of the time when performing an update. By saving to the documents folder this problem should not happen again, however, there is still a chance your saved games will get zapped during *this*update since your existing saved games are in the app’s preferences file.
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